For students enrolled in a university course, LTI brings them to a courselet without any additional login or enrolment steps
If you are teaching a university course, LTI provides the most transparent way of giving your students access to a courselet:
- in your campus Course Management System you create an assignment linked to a courselet URL.
- Your students click the assignment within the campus Course Management System.
- They immediately see (and start work on) the courselet, without any steps to create an account on Courselets, or login etc.
To set this up, you should
- Click Publish on the courselet's Settings page, to make it accessible to students;
- Copy the LTI URL on the courselet's Settings page;
- Paste this URL into the appropriate tool in your campus' Course Management System. For example, the Moodle CMS feature that provides this is called "External Tool".
Note that the LTI URL can ONLY be used in a Course Management System that supports LTI. In particular, you can't simply email an LTI URL to students.